The Environment

Green Kidlington

Kidlington is surrounded by Green Belt and benefits from its open natural spaces, especially St Mary’s Fields, the water meadows and planted woodlands to the north and Stratfield Brake to the south, the paths following the route of the Oxford Canal, and the parks and recreation grounds owned by the Council. See also our pages on Green Spaces, Small Greens and Trees,

Read about planned new housing developments in and around Kidlington. 

Climate Emergency

In November 2019, Kidlington Parish Council, along with a great many other councils in the country, declared a climate emergency. This commits the Council to adopting policies that take into account the impact of human activity on the biodiversity in our green spaces, parks and wild areas, and to being vigilant about mitigating threats caused by extreme weather conditions. 

The Council therefore supports the proposed  Climate and Ecological Emergency Bill.

Projects and Activities 

See details of the Cherwell Collective's foodbank and educational work and the Thursday Lunch Club at 12 pm in Exeter Hall

See also our pages on Wellbeing, Traffic and Streets, Aircraft Noise, and our current plans to make the large open space at Lyne Road Green  a more attractive, biodiverse and secure setting. There will be a day of planting hedging on the Green on Saturday 30 October 2021.

For the longer term, we have worked with Cherwell District Council on a Local Cycling and Walking Infrastructure Plan to create traffic-free routes for cyclists and walkers combined with new traffic-calming measures. Alongside this, we are developing a scheme for a Green Ring around the village: a network of interconnected green spaces linked by paths and cycle tracks. We strongly support the proposal by Kidlington Development Watch to designate part of this ring as Local Green Spaces.


 Proposed Botley West Solar Farm

The Parish Council acknowledges that there is a need for alternative renewable energy to avoid the use of fossil fuels; however we are opposed to the proposals by BWSF on the scale proposed and in the location identified by the proposers. By 2050 the area around Oxford will be heavily developed largely in existing green belt. The BWSF will cover further parts of the green belt in the same area, which will change the landscape substantially, decreasing the attractiveness of the areas to live and work in, and have significant impact on the tourist industry.

See the detailed arguments against the proposal.


Flooding at St Mary's Fields

 Flooding at St Mary's Fields: photo by Frederick Dove

Climate Emergency Declaration

In November 2019, Kidlington Parish Council, along with a great many other councils in the country, declared a climate emergency. This commits the Council to adopting policies that take into account the impact of human activity on the biodiversity in our green spaces, parks and wild areas, and to being vigilant about mitigating threats caused by extreme weather conditions. Sustainability of our premises and facilities, and their use for purposes that enhance and support healthy lifestyles across all age ranges have become a priority in Council decision making and planning.

We are committed to: 

1. Declare a ‘Climate Emergency’ that requires urgent action.
2. Work to make the Council’s activities net-zero carbon by 2030.
3. Achieve 100% clean energy across the Council’s full range of functions by 2030.
4. Ensure that all strategic decisions, budgets and approaches to planning decisions are in line with a shift to zero carbon by 2030.
5. Support and work with all other relevant agencies towards making the entire area zero carbon within the same timescale.
6. Work with, influence and inspire partners across the district, county and region to help deliver this goal through all relevant strategies, plans and shared resources.
7. Take steps to proactively include young people in the process, ensuring that they have a voice in shaping the future.
8. Call on the UK Government to provide the powers, resources and help. with funding to make this possible, and ask local MPs to do likewise.
9. Consider other actions that could be implemented, including (but not restricted to): renewable energy generation and storage, providing electric vehicle infrastructure and encouraging alternatives to private car use.