Finance and Assets Committee

The Chair of the Committee is Nik Soheili and the Vice-Chair Lesley McLean

This committee is concerned with the Council's finances, budgets, financial management and management of assets in the ownership or control of the council.

Terms of reference

  • To monitor and assess financial risk to the council
  • To monitor and review the risk register
  • To carry out ongoing review of the budget
  • To recommend the annual budget and precept to Full Council
  • To monitor the financial affairs of the Council
  • To monitor and review of all Council assets
  • To monitor the management and maintenance of Council buildings and open spaces
  • To receive auditors reports and to make recommendations regarding any matters arising from such reports
  • To provide an overview and make recommendations in respect of the general financial administration of the Council

Agendas and Minutes of individual meetings can be seen by selecting a year below. There is a full list of committee members further down on the page.

Please Note: These below meeting dates could be subject to change

Nik Soheili
Chair of the Finance and Assets Committee


Committee Members

Lesley Mclean

Roundham Ward

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David Betts

Orchard Ward

62 The Moors, OX5 2AJ

01865 375613

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Parish Councillor Vacancy

Orchard Ward

Ian Middleton

Exeter Ward

07779 628211

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Alison Street

St Mary's Ward

97 High Street

01865 371748

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David Thurling

Dogwood Ward

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