
Kidlington Parish Council administers four allotment sites in the village. These are at 

An Allotments Group, chaired by the Council and consisting of representatives from each site, meets twice a year.

An amount of money is budgeted annually for ongoing maintenance.

There is a small waiting list for allotments. 

Benefits of having allotment:


  • Allotment gardening is not only good for your physical health but for your mental health too, providing a sense of purpose and an ideal opportunity to get outdoors and be active at all tines of the year. 
  • Allotment can provide a valuable community and are a great way of connecting with people and nature
  • As the cost of living continues to rise, being able to grow your own fresh tasty produce offers a cost-effective way of putting food on the table
  • Nothing beats the sense of achievement in growing something from seed and putting food on the table and being able to say "I grew that!"
Click onto the link for more information for Dog Bins 



vegetables growing


allotment site