
Each year the Parish Council reserves a sum of money for disbursement of grants to voluntary organisations and community groups who provide a service which benefits the residents of Kidlington.

These grants are limited, and can only be made available to those organisations that can demonstrate a need for assistance for activities that fall within the above statement.

To ensure fair and proper consideration is given to requests for this funding, the Council requires the following to be submitted to the Community Officer at 

  • A completed application form
  • An up to date set of accounts. If the organisation is a new entity with no accounts available, please provide a Business Plan, stating aims and objectives, along with a financial projection for at least the current financial year.
  • Any additional evidence that the organisation considers will support their application

Applications are considered four times a year at the meeting of the Community Committee.


chairman handing a cheque over to a priest in front of a christmas tree


Cycling Without Age

A few years ago, Kidlington Parish Council gave a grant to an organisation called Cycling without Age to help buy a tricycle that could be used to transport older and less physically able residents around the village.  The Council is delighted to share these photos of people enjoying the ride and getting out and about.  The tricycle will be on hand for the Gala Day on 20 July and can come and pick you up from your home (in Kidlington).  If you’d like to find out more please email us at