Planning Applications for 2024 - 2025

Click onto the Planning Application Reference Number for further details

May 2024

Location: Grovelands Store, 49 Bellenger Way
Proposal: Installation of a Modular Self-Service Launderette Facility (retrospective)
Application Permitted


Location: Grove Store, 49 Bellenger Way
Proposal: Siting of Inpost Parcel Locker (retrospective)
Application Permitted

Location: 56 Axtell Close
Proposal: First Floor rear extension
Application Permitted

Location: The Bungalow, 52A Mill Street
Proposal: Replacement windows and doors from aluminium to PVCu
Application Permitted



Location: Essentra Components, Langford Locks
Proposal: Solar PV system totalling 1000kWp on the roof of Essentra Components building. Panels will be sited on east and west facing roof areas. The proposed system will be on a shallow pitched roof so the visual impact and risk of glare will be very low - Panels will be mounted less than 200mm from the plane of the roof in all cases; panels will not be sited within 1m of an external edge of the roof; equipment will be removed from the roof once it reaches the end of its useful life

Manor Court, 85 High Street
Proposal: Roof repair involving salvaged where possible and newly introduced slate; breathable membrane below replaced slates and new battens where required; lead work to lead sheet association standards (Re-activation of previous consent ref 19/02976/LB)

Location: 6 Blenheim Road Proposal:
Proposed: Single Storey rear extension
Application Permitted

Location: 93 Waverley Avenue Proposal:
Proposed: Rear flat roof dormer and change of use from C3 residential to Sui Generis (Large HOM)

Location: 73 High Street
Proposal: First floor extension with associated internal and external work (follow up to 23/01073/F)

Location: 15 Rowan Close
Proposal: Garage conversion
Application Permitted


Location: Chapple House, 235 Oxford Road Proposal: Variation of Condition 2 (plans) of 21/03434/F - To reflect changes to the bin and bike storage layouts as well as the red line boundary to include a portion of the site now known to be under the applicant's ownership

Location: 64 Morton Avenue
Proposal: RETROSPECTIVE - Relaxation of Condition 8 of NE 33/74: Change of Use from amenity land to domestic use and erection of a 1m high post and rail fence (with two rails) around the perimeter of the small garden to the right-hand side of the garden path, accessed via a timber gate (<1m) located next to the front door (resubmission of 23/00898/F)
Application Permitted

Location: 9 High Street (former Costa Coffee) Proposal: Change of Use of an empty shop to a coffee shop/fast food takeaway (Class E)

Location: 15 Oxford Road
Proposal: RETROSPECTIVE - Change of Use from disused banking hall (Use Class E) to a barber shop (Use Class E) 

Illuminated signage at 15 Oxford Road, Kidlington, OX5 2BP

June 2024

Location: 18 Newport Close
Proposal: Sound-proofed dog grooming pod in the garden to enable existing dog grooming business to be operated from
No Objection

Location: 34 Newport Close
Proposal: Conversion of existing integral garage, internal alterations and erection of new south facing solar PV panels on existing roof
No Objection



Location: 74 Hazel Crescent
Proposal: Single storey side and front wraparound extension (side extension to be used as an annexe - ancillary use) - demolition of existing rear outrigger and replace with a single storey rear extension
The Council has no Objection subject to the condition that the annex to be used for ancillary purposes as specified.


Location: 90 Oxford Road
Proposal: Proposed rear extension
No Objection

Location: 81 South Avenue
Proposal: Single storey rear extension following demolition of existing conservatory and shed 

Location: 75 Banbury Road
Proposal: Change of Use of domestic property to an OFSTED registered children's residential home 
Kidlington PC objects to the proposal as there is insufficient information provided with the application to enable an assessment and to make a comment.

Location: The Bungalow, 52A Mill Street
Proposal: RETROSPECTIVE - Change of Use from C4 HMO to sui generis HMO for 8 persons
No Objection


85 Cherwell Avenue
Proposal: Conversion of existing annexe to 3-bedroom dwelling house
Kidlington PC objects on the following gounds:

  1. The proposal is detrimental to the amenity and environment of the Neighbourhood
  2. The application fails provide any extra parking for the additional residential dwelling.
  3. This application is contrary to an earlier planning permission which included a condition that this annexe remained ancillary to the existing residential property.



17 Croft Avenue
Proposal: Proposed garden outbuilding
Kidlington PC objects to the proposal because there is insufficient information about the size and scale of the proposed building.

Location: 53 White Way
Proposal: Certificate of Lawfulness of Existing Use for the use as a separate dwelling house, originally constructed as a side extension to the original dwelling house 
Kidlington PC has assessed this application for a Certificate of Lawfulness of Existing Use and Considers insufficient evidence has been provided for a certificate to be issued.

Location: Oxford Aviation Services Ltd
Proposal: Screening Direction to confirm if an EIA is required in relation to a proposed new hangar for the parking and storage of aircraft (‘the Proposed Development’) in the north-east of the London Oxford Airport estate
No Objection

Location: 52 Green Road
Proposal: Rebuild of single storey extension and alterations and re-roof lean-to roof over garage
No Objection

July 2024

Location: 7 Spindlers
Proposal: Demolition of existing rear glass extension with replacement garden room, new replacement window with a bay window to north east elevation.  Removal of one garage door and replacement with a new wall and window.
No Objection




Location: 23 Laburnum Crescent
Proposal: Installation of an Air Source Heat Pump to be installed to property.  Planning permission is being sought as he noise level of the heat pump does not meet MCS planning standards.
No Objection


Location: 62 Sterling Road
Proposal: Proposed two storey side extension and single storey rear extension 
No Objection


Location: Kingerlee Ltd, Thomas House, Langford Locks
Proposal: Installation of external flue to joinery workshop to deal with air
No Objection

Location: 97 Mill Street
Proposal: 1.5 Storey Rear extension to dwelling
No Objection


Location: 19 Hazel Crescent
Proposal: Alterations, single and two storey rear extensions and addition of dormers to dwelling and conversion of building to provide 5 no flats with parking
KPC objects to this proposal on the following grounds:

  1. The proposal is detrimental to the amenity and environment of the neighbourhood.
  2. The proposal to convert one half of a semi-detached property to flats is inappropriate
  3. The proposal is out of keeping with other properties in the area
  4. There is no detail provided regarding materials for the driveway which should be porous




Location: 78 High Street, Kidlington
Proposal: Extend existing dropped kerb to allow for better access.
No Objection


Location: 6 White Way, Kidlington
Proposal: Conversion of garage to habitable accommodation and erection of single storey front extensions to front and rear
No Objection


Location: 14 Queens Avenue, Kidlington
Proposal: Extension to side of dwelling and above existing porch (existing gable tile-hanging to be replaced with brickwork).
No Objection