Your Councillors

ward map

 A more detailed map is available here.

The Chair of the Council is Lesley McLean, and the Vice-Chair David Robey

There are 15 elected Parish Councillors representing the five Parish Wards:

  • Roundham
  • St. Mary’s
  • Orchard
  • Exeter
  • Dogwood

For details of individual councillors please look at the list below. To check on which councillors serve the different areas of Kidlington, see the Ward Map on the left.

Dogwood, Exeter and Orchard Wards are in the District Council Kidlington East Ward, Roundham and St Mary's in Kidlington West. For details of District Councillors, see the District Council website.

Roundham, Orchard and St Mary's Wards are in the County Council Kidlington North and Kirtlington Division, Dogwood and Exeter in Kidlington South. For details of County Councillors, see the County Council website.

For the location of divisions and wards, see the Oxfordshire Administrative Areas Map.

Fiona Mawson

Fiona Mawson

Exeter Ward

Lesley Mclean

Lesley Mclean

Roundham Ward

Linda Ward

Linda Ward

St Mary's Ward

William Easdown Babb

William Easdown Babb

Roundham Ward

Phil Wyse

Phil Wyse

Dogwood Ward

07918 279 570

David Thurling

David Thurling

Dogwood Ward

Nik Soheili

Nik Soheili

Orchard Ward


Naveed Barakzai Pace

Naveed Barakzai Pace

Dogwood Ward


David Betts

David Betts

Orchard Ward

62 The Moors,

01865 375613

Melanie Moorhouse

Melanie Moorhouse

Roundham Ward


David Kanonuwa

David Kanonuwa

Orchard Ward

Ian Middleton

Ian Middleton

Exeter Ward

07779 628211

David Robey

David Robey

St Mary's Ward

101 High St,

01865 847140

Alison Street

Alison Street

St Mary's Ward

97 High Street,

01865 371748

Doug Williamson

Doug Williamson

Exeter Ward

69 The Moors,

01865 460125


Thank you, Cllr Alan Graham!

The Parish Council would like to say a huge Thank you to Cllr Alan Graham for his outstanding service to Kidlington.  Alan Graham has been a dedicated member of the Parish Council since he was elected in 1998.  Within the past 26 years, he has led many of our committees and served as the Council Chair, always, working hard for the benefit of our community.
Alan's expertise, especially in planning matters, has been invaluable.  As Chair of the Planning Committee, he has helped guide the council through key responses to local plan reviews and planning applications.  His dedication and commitment have made a real difference, and we are truly grateful for all his hard work. 

Thank you Alan and you will be greatly missed 

Becoming A Parish Councillor


Parish Council elections are usually held in May, together with a County or a District election. All members of the Parish Council have to either be re-elected or stand down every four years.

If you would like to become a Parish Councillor you must be sure you are eligible to stand, and then submit a set of nomination papers. These are available from the District Council, either by post or by downloadable (pdf) file from the Cherwell District Council website.


If a vacancy arises in the Council and an election is not called within a specified period, the Parish Council normally advertises and fills the place by co-option. If you would like to apply to become a Parish Councillor through co-option, please contact the Clerk, Rachel Faulkner, at or by calling the Parish Council at Exeter Hall on 01865 372143. She can tell you more about it and let you know the process.

Why become a councillor?

See the thoughts of two recently elected councillors, Melanie Moorhouse and Lesley McLean.

Who can be a candidate?

To be qualified to be elected a member of the Parish Council you must be 18 years of age or over at the date of your nomination, and a British or Commonwealth citizen, a citizen of the Republic of Ireland or a citizen of another Member State of the European Community, and either: 



1) Be a registered local government elector for the Parish both on the day you're nominated and on election day. You can check this by contacting the Electoral Services Unit.

2) You must have occupied as owner or tenant any land or other premises in the Parish during twelve whole months before the day you are nominated or election day.

3) Your principal or only place of work in the twelve months before you are nominated or election day has been in the Parish.

4) You must have lived in the Parish within 4.8 kilometres (3 miles), during the whole of the twelve months before the day you are nominated or election day.

The Good Councillors Guide


What is expected of Councillor - more details on the Good Councillors Guide